Senin, 29 November 2010

RIVER Citanduy

RIVER Citanduy sometimes become a haunted place to visit. But in some areas, the location of the river with big rocks that connects with the surrounding natural panorama, has become a place of recreation.As do residents Parungpeundeuy Handapherang Village Cijeungjing District. For decades, residents in the vicinity of Final Disposal (TPA) Handapherang, used to visit him. In fact, from the main road to the location, reaching 1 km with a very steep road.Yesterday, a day ahead of Ramadan Handapherang many citizens, especially among young people, recreation to the scene. Although no arrangements which are maximal and makeshift scenery, but the residents seemed to enjoy it. There is swimming, hanging out, ngaliwet, botram or simply joke."If the dry season, when the water receded Citanduy, usually we and other residents who bathe in this river. As for, the customs of the Islamic fasting month when entering the bathroom to eliminate the required preparation for the fasting ritual impurity, well, if people here have become a habit Citanduy execute on the River, "said Ami (20) resident RT 05/08 Desa Parungpeundeuy Handapherang.He admitted, for the citizens of the Village Handapherang, to simply welcome the arrival of fasting (Munggahan) or ngabuburit, they do not come all the way to the famous recreational areas. Simply come to Citanduy and enjoy its beauty."Habit clustered and assembled at the edge of the River Citanduy, always made people before the coming fasting month," he explained.Because of the fast coincidence rainy season this time, he continued, the habit of bathing in the River Citanduy can not be done. Although not able to bathe, I'm him, still ahead of the fasting month it was always used as a recreational arena of local people.Ami confessed because beauty is in the River Citanduy Parungpeundeuy Handapherang Village, the local people call this area as a park tourist. Though the setting at all still semraut and very natural.While visitors River Citanduy Andi (23), admitted for the first time to set foot into the tourist area. "My first time stepping on this site, but I will admit though just enjoy the beauty of the river course, but I was quite captivated by its beauty. Moreover, here comes my boyfriend do the same. Frankly this place is quite romantic too, "added resident Hamlet / Village District Saguling Beregbeg this Ciamis district. (*)


ImageWana this tour a protected forest which memunyai existing water sources in the form of springs and rivers that currently used for tourism and irrigate farmland and clean water needs of the surrounding community. Potential visual landscape to the location is quite interesting with views of nature in the form of: a panorama of forest and karst rocks, while natural phenomena / visual potential landscape in the region that have a distinctive characteristic of the river are waterfalls and natural scenery.
Wana Wisata is used for daily tours. Daily tourism activities that can be done is to bathe in the river / swimming, boating, rowing, cross country and camping.ImageImage

Name Citumang born because once the river flow out of the cave and then falls to form waterfall, but behind the waterfall there is a cave that was quite long right under the surface of the river which is above them. While the water is sourced from the same cave located in the upstream. So passengers (located above), which comes from the word Cai = Water and Intercropping (ride) = above, but the community is more comfortable using the word Citumang than Citumpang.
Types of facilities available are: MCK and place dressing.
Ecotourism can be reached by the district of Ciamis (35 km) and Bandung (118 km). The condition of roads are generally paved and can be passed by four-wheel vehicles. Facilities Public transport is only a motorcycle taxi. There is still a path that must pass to reach the rural past WW Citumang

Bolong Anyer Beach reef

maybe for a moment we will imagine how the physical form of perforated coral beaches named .. Once inside this beach visitors will know by itself why the beach is so named ..This beach is the beach recreation area where there is a large rock in the middle hole with a naturally formed arch. one end of the reefs are on the beach while others are facing the open sea. Karang Bolong Most likely this is because due to the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. At the peak there were cupola review and this forest as a place to relax while enjoying views of open sea.
Terlertak Karang Bolong beach is 50 km from Serang town or 140 km from the city of Jakarta, about 11 km towards the south of Anyer, or about 30 km north of Labuan On this beach there is a huge rock that stands to form the arch. One end of the reefs are on the beach while others stick to the sea.
Karang Bolong Beach, which lies on the roadside convenience for visitors of reef-bolong1.jpg find this beach. Before entering the visitors to buy tickets prior dahulu.untuk visitors who bring a personal vehicle can park in the area of coral kendaraanya perforated.
When you're busy, visitors are required to park vehicles outside the area is the area that has been provided by the manager. Sand on the Beach Karang Bolong is still relatively clean and white. the pengunujung usually not the power to not along its coast, while occasionally soak the feet in the cold sea water.
Icons beach pride is certainly a very large rock in the middle hole because sea water eroded over a period of time. By the managers of this beach, some parts of reefs are steps so visitors can climb to the top of the reef. From the height on the rock that the visitors can enjoy views of the sea.
sea views from the upper coral riveting and very charming. Peace will once felt when he was on the reef. Not to mention the gentle sea breezes that blew nonstop face and hair really brings coolness.the visitors can freely with the security aspect which is applied by the managers of this beach. for visitors who want to spend the night was not to worry, because it is available lodging. Many residents who offer various types of food. so visitors do not need to fear denagn food problem ..safely enjoy this beach ..

Selasa, 09 November 2010


Parangtritis, is a coastal tourist resorts of the Indian Ocean coast, located approximately 25 kilometers south of the town Yogyakarta.Parangtritis is a fairly well-known tourist attraction in Yogyakarta, in addition to other objects such as Samas beach, Baron, Kukup Krakal and Glagah Beach. Parangtritis has unique views that are not on other tourist attractions are in addition to large waves, also the mountain - the mountain of sand that frequency at the surrounding beaches, mountains of sand is usually called dunes. The object of this tour is managed by the local government of Bantul pretty well, ranging from lodging facilities and markets selling souvenirs parangtritis. In addition there are the baths, called machetes allegedly wedang water in the baths can cure various diseases including skin diseases, water from the bath contains sulfur that comes from the mountains in the area. Another location is the beach Kusumo machetes on the beach where there are supposedly for a meeting place between the king of queens jogjakarta with the southern sea. On certain days (usually months suro) here is offering offerings (Labuhan) to Queen of the South Sea or in the Java language called Nyai Rara Kidul. Locals believe that a person may not use green colored clothes when they're on this coast. Parangtritis become a major tourist visits, especially on New Year's Eve Java (1 sacred / Suro). In Parangtritis there are also trains horses or horses that can be rented for up the coast from east to west.
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Karangnini Beach

This tourism object is located in the Village Emplak, District Kalipucang ± 83 km from the town of Ciamis to the south.
Along the road from the gateway to the location, you'll enjoy the coolness of teak forest with the wild rhythm.
Not only that, in some parts of this road would be served with a panorama of the beach in the distance behind Sagara latarAkomodasi Karangnini Beach tillers.
It was an unforgettable sight when you arrive at the sunny weather.
Before reaching the beach you will find Cottage Tour, managed by Perhutani Ciamis district. You are several types to choose from. Rate / night that you can compete with keluaga Ninibersantai Coral Beach enjoys a quiet atmosphere with a stunning panorama of the beach.
On the beach lay the rocks, one of which resembles a grandmother (nini in Sundanese) who are waiting for the grandfather, so this place called the Coral Coast

Patimuan, Cilacap

patimuan is a district in Cilacap regency, Central Java, Indonesia. This sub-district is situated on the riverbank Citandui and a line of demarcation between the province of Central Java to West Java (Kabupaten Ciamis). Livelihoods in this district are mostly farmers with a sideline taking nira (badeg) of the coconut tree which is the raw material for making brown sugar (palm sugar).
As the region directly adjacent to the province of West Java it is no wonder if in this region live two different tribes of the Javanese and Sundanese, but the difference is not an obstacle to be able to live in a society. Intermingling of these two tribes can be seen one of them with the marriage relationship between the tribe. The main language used in this region is Banyumasan language, but even here-Sundanese able to grow. The average population of the subdistrict Patimuhan able to communicate in bilingual regions of Sundanese and Javanese (Banyumasan).

In the traditional performing arts performances were not uncommon ronggeng art, puppet show which is a type of Sundanese arts event staged in celebration at the home population in this region, even in these districts there are few collection ronggeng group. The entry of Sundanese cultural elements through art as exemplified into Patimuan districts actually did not kill the spirit of the people of this region for expression through Javanese culture. Expression of the soul in Javanese culture (Banyumas) population in this region can be seen through the growth of various variants like ebeg Javanese arts, shadow puppets gagrag Lengger and Banyumas.

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Prisons in Nusa Kambangan

The term "Nusakambangan Prison" is an ambiguity in the sense of the general public. Because the name None of the existing jail or correctional facility in Indonesia is named so. In Nusa Kambangan stood several correctional institutions (prisons or LP), high-rise security in Indonesia.
Originally there were nine LP in Nusa Kambangan (for prisoners and political prisoners), but now that is still in operation only four, namely LP Stone (built 1925), LP Iron (built 1929), LP Kembang Kuning (1950), and LP Permisan (The oldest, built in 1908). Five others, namely Nirbaya, Middle Reef, Limus Buntu, Karang Anyar, and Gleger, has been closed. Areas south of the island facing directly into the Indian Ocean with a beach berkarangnya and big waves. Areas north facing Cilacap and surrounded the villages of fishermen along the mangroves, including Kampung Laut and Jojog.
The inhabitants of the island only the inmates and prison employees and their families, under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and Local Government Cilacap. And out of the island must have special permission to certain procedures. Children in elementary school staff are available on the island. To forward to an advanced level (junior high, high school, or college), they must attend school in Cilacap or other cities in Java.
The main ferry port in Port Sodong Nusa Kambangan is, exclusively for transportation purposes and staff and inmate families.

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Karapyak Beach

THERE ARE a number of attractions besides the beach in Pangandaran Beach County Ciamis and Batu Hiu Beach. Natural beauty and beaches of this one more than the beauty of the beach in Pangandaran and Batu Hiu. The beach in question is Karapyak Beach, located in the village Bagolo, Kec. Kalipucang, Kab. Ciamis. About 20 km from Pangandaran Beach is 78 km from the town square City of Ciamis.
To reach this location is not so difficult, because there is access to good, there are even guides that can direct tourists to the beach Karapyak. The unfortunate, there is no public transportation that can bring visitors to the beach Karapyak, even motorcycle taxis. Only visitors who have a personal vehicle or rental vehicle that can reach the beach Karapyak.
The beauty of the beach is not yet defeated Karapyak Pangandaran Beach. But not necessarily worth a visit and made a tourist attraction. This beach has the advantage of white sand that extends along approximately 5 km combined with a bulge of rock. The beauty of the more obvious, when the waves of the sea began to recede, ornamental fish swim to and fro on the sidelines of the rock. Small crabs and kumang (crab married) and out of the sand pit while carrying food. Not only that, the shells of clams and other mollusks animals as well as the white cliffs scattered along the coast, tempting us to take and collect them to be used as souvenir sea.
View Gallery Beach Karapyak
Rocks that extend and jutting almost into the middle of the ocean, it became a haven for marine fish. There are tens of thousands, even tens of millions of ornamental fish that live there, obviously make more Karapyak Beach and challenging life. In addition to the white sand and rocks, this beach also has steep cliffs and beautiful, ready to invite the adventurers to explore every inch of coral cliffs. Under the steep cliff, the waves are ready to process the adrenaline to the fontanel. Froth the waves below the cliffs steep as stream of sweat adventure awaits you.
In addition to offering a million beauty and adventure, beach Karapyak fairly unspoiled and virginal. This marked still clean beach from the invasion of plastic garbage and the like. Natural conditions is still natural and well groomed. Just unfortunately, the beach is less attractive domestic and foreign tourists. This is seen from the still scarce food stalls as well as lodging, developed local residents.
It is more due to high waves and waves of creepy, too steep beaches because it is connected directly with rocks. Also the lack of access to the site. Whereas in Karapyak already established coastal watchtowers and other facilities that are ready to spoil the tourists. Moreover, this beach is located very near the island of Nusakambangan. Simply rent a boat, you can set foot on the island who invite a million mystery. Not only that, you can take a walk along the estuary of the River Citanduy or better known as Sagara tillers. Deep in the middle of the sea, stood erect two rocks that form the entrance to the Sagara tillers. According to local fishermen, Maryono, which will serve as the rock fortress Pier Sagara Tillers of a vicious assault waves.

Pantai Batu Hiu ( stone beach shark)

HiuTerletak Stone Beach Village District Ciliang Parigi, ± 14 km from Pangandaran to the south. It has a very beautiful natural panorama. From the top a small hill covered with trees Pandan Wong, we witnessed the Indonesian Ocean blue with the pounding of the waves are rolling white.
About 200 meters from the beach there is a pile of rocks that resembles a shark, that's why this place called Batu Hiu.
Shore wind accompanied us during his eyes toward the ocean or a stretch of beach that stretches to the east of Pangandaran.
You can enjoy the natural suasa beach with a walk in the hills of shade or sit back with family.
Although you can not swim because the waves are big enough, you can still walk on the beach enjoying simbahan butih foam that came with the waves Batuhiu.
Do not forget to bring souvenirs as souvenirs for the family at home that you can get in Batuhiu.

Pangandaran Beach Beautiful

Tourist attraction that is the belle of the beach in West Java is located in the village of Pangandaran Pananjung District with a distance of ± 92 km south of the city Ciamis, has various features such as:Can see the sunrise and sunsets from the same place* Sloping beach with clear water and the distance between the ups and downs are relatively long
thus allowing us to swim safely
* There are beaches with white sand
* There are rescue teams coastal tourism* The road is paved smooth with the environment
adequate street lightingThere is a marine park with fish and fascinating marine life.With the faktok-factor supporting you, then the tourists who arrived in Pangandaran can perform a wide range of activities: swimming, yachting, fishing, traveling by bicycle, the sailing, jet skiing and others.The traditional event contained here is the intent of the Sea, the ceremony performed in Pangandaran fishermen as the embodiment of their gratitude to the Almighty God's mercy in a way melarung offerings to the sea. This event is usually held on every Muharram, with the East Coast took place in Pangandaran.International tourism event ever held here was the International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with a variety of supporting activities which we can see in every month of June or July. 

Facilities available: 
1. Field parking large enough,

2. Hotel, restaurant, inn, tourist cabin with  rates vary
3. Postal services, telecommunications and money changer, 
4. Cinemas, discotheques  
5. Guides and Tourism Information Center, 
6. Campground,
7. Bicycles and tire rental pool, 
8. Parasailing and jetski.