Senin, 29 November 2010


ImageWana this tour a protected forest which memunyai existing water sources in the form of springs and rivers that currently used for tourism and irrigate farmland and clean water needs of the surrounding community. Potential visual landscape to the location is quite interesting with views of nature in the form of: a panorama of forest and karst rocks, while natural phenomena / visual potential landscape in the region that have a distinctive characteristic of the river are waterfalls and natural scenery.
Wana Wisata is used for daily tours. Daily tourism activities that can be done is to bathe in the river / swimming, boating, rowing, cross country and camping.ImageImage

Name Citumang born because once the river flow out of the cave and then falls to form waterfall, but behind the waterfall there is a cave that was quite long right under the surface of the river which is above them. While the water is sourced from the same cave located in the upstream. So passengers (located above), which comes from the word Cai = Water and Intercropping (ride) = above, but the community is more comfortable using the word Citumang than Citumpang.
Types of facilities available are: MCK and place dressing.
Ecotourism can be reached by the district of Ciamis (35 km) and Bandung (118 km). The condition of roads are generally paved and can be passed by four-wheel vehicles. Facilities Public transport is only a motorcycle taxi. There is still a path that must pass to reach the rural past WW Citumang

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