Senin, 29 November 2010

Bolong Anyer Beach reef

maybe for a moment we will imagine how the physical form of perforated coral beaches named .. Once inside this beach visitors will know by itself why the beach is so named ..This beach is the beach recreation area where there is a large rock in the middle hole with a naturally formed arch. one end of the reefs are on the beach while others are facing the open sea. Karang Bolong Most likely this is because due to the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. At the peak there were cupola review and this forest as a place to relax while enjoying views of open sea.
Terlertak Karang Bolong beach is 50 km from Serang town or 140 km from the city of Jakarta, about 11 km towards the south of Anyer, or about 30 km north of Labuan On this beach there is a huge rock that stands to form the arch. One end of the reefs are on the beach while others stick to the sea.
Karang Bolong Beach, which lies on the roadside convenience for visitors of reef-bolong1.jpg find this beach. Before entering the visitors to buy tickets prior dahulu.untuk visitors who bring a personal vehicle can park in the area of coral kendaraanya perforated.
When you're busy, visitors are required to park vehicles outside the area is the area that has been provided by the manager. Sand on the Beach Karang Bolong is still relatively clean and white. the pengunujung usually not the power to not along its coast, while occasionally soak the feet in the cold sea water.
Icons beach pride is certainly a very large rock in the middle hole because sea water eroded over a period of time. By the managers of this beach, some parts of reefs are steps so visitors can climb to the top of the reef. From the height on the rock that the visitors can enjoy views of the sea.
sea views from the upper coral riveting and very charming. Peace will once felt when he was on the reef. Not to mention the gentle sea breezes that blew nonstop face and hair really brings coolness.the visitors can freely with the security aspect which is applied by the managers of this beach. for visitors who want to spend the night was not to worry, because it is available lodging. Many residents who offer various types of food. so visitors do not need to fear denagn food problem ..safely enjoy this beach ..

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