Senin, 29 November 2010

RIVER Citanduy

RIVER Citanduy sometimes become a haunted place to visit. But in some areas, the location of the river with big rocks that connects with the surrounding natural panorama, has become a place of recreation.As do residents Parungpeundeuy Handapherang Village Cijeungjing District. For decades, residents in the vicinity of Final Disposal (TPA) Handapherang, used to visit him. In fact, from the main road to the location, reaching 1 km with a very steep road.Yesterday, a day ahead of Ramadan Handapherang many citizens, especially among young people, recreation to the scene. Although no arrangements which are maximal and makeshift scenery, but the residents seemed to enjoy it. There is swimming, hanging out, ngaliwet, botram or simply joke."If the dry season, when the water receded Citanduy, usually we and other residents who bathe in this river. As for, the customs of the Islamic fasting month when entering the bathroom to eliminate the required preparation for the fasting ritual impurity, well, if people here have become a habit Citanduy execute on the River, "said Ami (20) resident RT 05/08 Desa Parungpeundeuy Handapherang.He admitted, for the citizens of the Village Handapherang, to simply welcome the arrival of fasting (Munggahan) or ngabuburit, they do not come all the way to the famous recreational areas. Simply come to Citanduy and enjoy its beauty."Habit clustered and assembled at the edge of the River Citanduy, always made people before the coming fasting month," he explained.Because of the fast coincidence rainy season this time, he continued, the habit of bathing in the River Citanduy can not be done. Although not able to bathe, I'm him, still ahead of the fasting month it was always used as a recreational arena of local people.Ami confessed because beauty is in the River Citanduy Parungpeundeuy Handapherang Village, the local people call this area as a park tourist. Though the setting at all still semraut and very natural.While visitors River Citanduy Andi (23), admitted for the first time to set foot into the tourist area. "My first time stepping on this site, but I will admit though just enjoy the beauty of the river course, but I was quite captivated by its beauty. Moreover, here comes my boyfriend do the same. Frankly this place is quite romantic too, "added resident Hamlet / Village District Saguling Beregbeg this Ciamis district. (*)

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