Selasa, 09 November 2010

Pangandaran Beach Beautiful

Tourist attraction that is the belle of the beach in West Java is located in the village of Pangandaran Pananjung District with a distance of ± 92 km south of the city Ciamis, has various features such as:Can see the sunrise and sunsets from the same place* Sloping beach with clear water and the distance between the ups and downs are relatively long
thus allowing us to swim safely
* There are beaches with white sand
* There are rescue teams coastal tourism* The road is paved smooth with the environment
adequate street lightingThere is a marine park with fish and fascinating marine life.With the faktok-factor supporting you, then the tourists who arrived in Pangandaran can perform a wide range of activities: swimming, yachting, fishing, traveling by bicycle, the sailing, jet skiing and others.The traditional event contained here is the intent of the Sea, the ceremony performed in Pangandaran fishermen as the embodiment of their gratitude to the Almighty God's mercy in a way melarung offerings to the sea. This event is usually held on every Muharram, with the East Coast took place in Pangandaran.International tourism event ever held here was the International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with a variety of supporting activities which we can see in every month of June or July. 

Facilities available: 
1. Field parking large enough,

2. Hotel, restaurant, inn, tourist cabin with  rates vary
3. Postal services, telecommunications and money changer, 
4. Cinemas, discotheques  
5. Guides and Tourism Information Center, 
6. Campground,
7. Bicycles and tire rental pool, 
8. Parasailing and jetski.

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